Lead Management Software

Empowering Your Sales and Marketing Efforts

Welcome to Nextway IT, your partner in supercharging your sales and marketing endeavors with cutting-edge lead management software. Our software is meticulously crafted to streamline and optimize your lead-handling processes, ensuring efficiency, precision, and improved conversion rates in today’s dynamic business landscape.


The Power of Lead Management Software

In a competitive and data-driven world, lead management software plays a crucial role in ensuring that businesses can efficiently and effectively nurture, track, and convert leads

  • Lead Capture and Tracking: Efficiently capture leads from multiple sources, organize them for easy tracking, and prevent leads from slipping through the cracks.

  • Lead Scoring: Prioritize and identify high-quality leads through scoring based on criteria like engagement and demographic information.

  • Lead Nurturing: Automate and personalize lead nurturing campaigns, delivering the right content at the right time to move leads through the sales funnel.

  • Sales and Marketing Alignment: Foster collaboration between sales and marketing teams by providing real-time lead insights, ensuring seamless communication.

  • Lead Segmentation: Segment leads based on behaviors, demographics, and interests for targeted and personalized marketing efforts.

  • Data Analytics: Gain insights through detailed reporting and analytics, enabling data-driven decision-making and lead conversion strategies.

  • Automation: Automate routine lead management tasks, such as sending follow-up emails, assigning leads, and tracking lead interactions.

  • Lead Routing: Ensure that leads are routed to the right sales representatives quickly, increasing the chances of conversion.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Our software offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface, ensuring easy access to lead information for all team members.

Why Choose Us for Lead Management Software

Advanced Technology

We harness cutting-edge technology to develop software that empowers your lead management with innovation and efficiency.

Data Security

We prioritize data protection and compliance, ensuring that sensitive lead information remains safe and secure.

User-Centric Design

User experience is central to our design, ensuring that lead management tasks are intuitive and effective.

Mobile Optimization

Our software is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that you can access and manage leads on the go.


Our solutions are designed to grow alongside your business, accommodating evolving lead generation demands.

Collaborative Features

Foster collaboration among your sales and marketing teams, ensuring streamlined operations and real-time visibility.

Customized Solutions

We tailor our software to your specific business requirements, ensuring that it aligns seamlessly with your lead management processes and objectives.

Support and Training

Beyond the software launch, we offer ongoing support and training to equip your team with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed.

Industry Expertise

With a profound understanding of lead management intricacies, we bring industry expertise to the table, ensuring that your software aligns with best practices and regulations.

Empower your sales and marketing with Nextway IT’s innovative lead management software. Contact us today to explore how our software can revolutionize your lead management, providing efficiency, compliance, and improved lead conversion rates.

Choose the Perfect Plan for Your Needs

Lead Management Software Pricing Plan


2000 Taka/mo

What’s Included
  • Yearly Payment
  • Total User 1-5
  • Server Cost Free
  • Free Support
  • Free Update
  • Installation Cost- 5000 Taka
  • Free Training(3-4 Hour)- Online(Google meet or Zoom)

2500 Taka/mo

What’s Included
  • Yearly Payment
  • Total User 6-10
  • Server Cost Free
  • Free Support
  • Free Update
  • Installation Cost- 8000 Taka
  • Free Training(3-4 Hour)- Online(Google meet or Zoom)

3000 Taka/mo

What’s Included
  • Yearly Payment
  • Total User Unlimited
  • Server Cost Free
  • Free Support
  • Free Update
  • Installation Cost- 10000 Taka
  • Free Training(3-4 Hour)- Online(Google meet or Zoom

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